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Thank you for considering a partnership with Calvary Christian Academy!


Pre-K1 Program                           $1198.25/month

Pre-K2 - Pre-K4 Program             $908.25/month

Pre-K4 Half-Day Program            $681/month


Kindergarten-2nd Grade             $10,842

3rd-6th Grade                             $10,992

7th-8th Grade                              $11,290

High School

9th-11th Grade                             $11,340

New Student Application Fee      $52

New Student Enrollment Fee       $125

Student Re-enrollment Fee          $100

ExCEL Administration Fee           $50

This fee is for the process of working with the district to determine the eligibility of services, which includes classroom observation, data collection for the district, and multiple meetings with parents and the district.

ExCEL Program Fee              

See the ExCEL Fee Section for additional information.

Exciting News!