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Our Teachers are the Heart of Calvary Christian Academy's Pursuit of Excellence.

In addition to educational certification, we ensure that our teachers are spiritually mature believers, called and equipped by God with hearts for shepherding and instructing our most precious gifts: our children. This is especially important because the character of our teachers will be mirrored in their students.

Everyone who is perfectly trained will be like his teacher. -Luke 6:40, ESV

For this reason, CCA does not compromise on a stringent faculty selection process — our goal is to build a faculty that reflects the character of Christ.


of our faculty have earned their Bachelor's degree. 


        of our faculty have earned their Master's Degree.


of our faculty have been teaching for five years or more.


                      of our faculty have been teaching for ten years or more.

Because CCA is a ministry of Calvary Port St Lucie, we benefit from the support of the church's pastoral leadership, administrative staff, and integration with other ministries in our endeavor to make disciples and prepare our students spiritually, academically, and socially.

Who's Who at CCA


Matthew Wiggins, Ed.S. Head of School
Dr. Michelle Misiano Principal
Arielle Bickley, M.Ed. Assistant Principal
Karen Wiggins, Director of Student Services & School Dean
Gage Brown, Athletic Director & Assistant Dean
Saira Apostolico, Director of Productions & Enrichment
Stacy Wiggins, Director of ExCEL
Eliza Dowdy, Director of Preschool
Mariel Zen, Director of Discipleship

Meet the Rest of Our Incredible CREW

  Name Title
Kim Adams Adams, Kim Preschool Instructional Aide
Danneil Ainsworth Ainsworth, Danneil 1st Grade Teacher
Christian Alexander Alexander, Christian Secondary ELA Teacher
Savannah Alexander Alexander, Savannah Secondary Science & ELA Teacher
Geraldine Alvarez Alvarez, Geraldine Secretary
Michael Alvarez Alvarez, Michael Secondary PE, Art, & Bible Teacher
Saira Apostolico Apostolico, Saira Director of Productions and Enrichment
Allison Araque Araque, Allison 2nd Grade Teacher
Erin Askew Askew, Erin Secondary Bible Teacher
Nancy Askew Askew, Nancy Permanent Subtitute
Aileen Berthold Berthold, Aileen Preschool Instructional Aide
Reza Berthold Berthold, Reza Permanent Substitute
Arielle Bickley Bickley, Arielle Assistant Principal
Gage Brown Brown, Gage Director of Athletics
Lori Brown Brown, Lori School Counselor/ExCEL Specialist
Tiffany Bynum Bynum, Tiffany 4th Grade ELA/Social Studies Teacher
Rose Cardoso Cardoso, Rose Instructional Aide
Irena Colquitt Colquitt, Irena Administrative Assistant/Extended Care Coordinator
Debra Crowl Crowl, Debra Instructional Aide
Vitoria DeFreitas DeFreitas, Vitoria Instructional Aide
Allison Dovale Dovale, Allison 2nd Grade Teacher
Eliza Dowdy Dowdy, Eliza Director of Preschool
Tiffany Dower Dower, Tiffany PreK 4 Teacher
Andrea Figueroa Figueroa, Andrea PreK 2 Teacher
Diana Figueroa Figueroa, Diana PreK 2 Teacher
Sara Flick Flick, Sara ExCEL Specialist
Nichole Forston Forston, Nichole 3rd Grade Teacher
Eltaneia Francois Francois, Eltaneia Instructional Aide
Nicole Frank Frank, Nicole 5th/6th Grade Math/Science Teacher
Mary Garcia Garcia, Mary Administrative Aide
Katrina Gonzalez Gonzalez, Katrina Elementary PE Teacher
Jocelyn Greenhaw Greenhaw, Jocelyn Instructional Aide/ Respiratory Therapist
Eleni Grothe Grothe, Eleni ExCEL Specialist
Tatiana Hamel Hamel, Tatiana Marketing & Special Events Coordinator
Kelly Holmberg Holmberg, Kelly Kindergarten Teacher
Lori Huyghebaert Huyghebaert, Lori Nurse
Doris James James, Doris PreK 1 Teacher
Lordjie Jean Jean, Lordjie Preschool Instructional Aide
Kelly Jimenez Jimenez, Kelly Instructional Aide
Tara Koch Koch, Tara PreK 4 Teacher
Kim Lancieri Lancieri, Kim Secondary Math Teacher
Janina Leiva Leiva, Janina 4th Grade Math/Science Teacher
Beth McDilda McDilda, Beth Instructional Aide
Cortney Miller Miller, Cortney Finance & Scholarship Coordinator
Michelle Misiano, Ed.D. Misiano, Ed.D., Michelle Principal
Armisleyda Munoz Munoz, Armisleyda Preschool Instructional Aide
Randi Muscarella Muscarella, Randi PreK 4 Teacher
Alba Nolasco Nolasco, Alba 5th/6th ELA/Social Studies Teacher
Beatriz Perez Perez, Beatriz PreK 3 Teacher
Vanessa Perez Perez, Vanessa Instructional Aide
Micah Phipps Phipps, Micah Secondary Social Studies & French Teacher
Yael Phipps Phipps, Yael Administrative Aide
Brittany Posten Posten, Brittany Elementary & Secondary Art Teacher
Jenny Price Price, Jenny Secretary
Laura Relle Relle, Laura Permanent Subtitute
Nikki Rodriguez Rodriguez, Nikki ExCEL Specialist
Melody Roode Roode, Melody Elementary Heart Smart Teacher/ExCEL Aide
Nichole Rubel Rubel, Nichole Elementary Performing Arts & Literature Enrichment Teacher
Elena Sanchez Sanchez, Elena PreK 3 Teacher
Tania Schulze Schulze, Tania Instructional Aide
Kayla Seiter Seiter, Kayla Extended Care Aide
Sabrina Silva Silva, Sabrina Secondary Science Teacher
Jessica Silver Silver, Jessica Preschool Instructional Aide
Tamara Stephens Stephens, Tamara Secondary Math, Social Studies, and STEM Teacher
Amber Tague Tague, Amber Secondary Math Teacher/Student Advisor
Dana Tilton Tilton, Dana Registrar
Rose Tirado Tirado, Rose Instructional Aide
Shannon Trudell Trudell, Shannon 1st Grade Teacher
Kayla Vance Vance, Kayla 3rd Grade Teacher
Karyn Von Purkyne Von Purkyne, Karyn PreK 1 Teacher
Courtney Wallace Wallace, Courtney Instructional Aide
Sarah Wheeler Wheeler, Sarah Kindergarten Teacher
Courtney Wiggins Wiggins, Courtney Instructional Aide
Karen Wiggins Wiggins, Karen Director of Student Services/Dean
Matthew Wiggins Wiggins, Matthew Head of School
Stacy Wiggins Wiggins, Stacy Director of ExCEL
Tarus Woelk Woelk, Tarus Secondary Social Studies, Business, & Financial Literacy Teacher
Mariel Zen Zen, Mariel Director of Discipleship
Exciting News!