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Providing you with Christ-Centered Early Childhood Education.

Our Preschool teachers use age-appropriate learning activities to lay a foundation for understanding God, Jesus, the Bible, church, self, family, others, and the natural world. Children learn through hands-on learning centers, social interactions, engaging group activities, and a story time that promotes the moral, social, and spiritual development of the children in our care. Children have active play daily both inside and outside to promote the development of fine and gross motor skills so important for healthy growth.
Calvary Christian Academy Preschool is a religious-exempt provider. We are committed to ongoing self-monitoring to ensure all state licensing regulations are in compliance.

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. —Proverbs 22:6

Meet Our Preschool Staff



Eliza Dowdy, Director of Preschool
Mary Garcia, Preschool Director Assistant

Pre-K 1 Program

Karyn Von Purkyne, PK1 Teacher
Doris James, PK1 Aide

Pre-K 2 Program

Diana Figueroa, PK2 Teacher
Andrea Figueroa, PK2 Teacher

Pre-K 3 Program

Beatriz Perez, PK3 Teacher
Armis Munoz, PK3 Aide
Elena Sanchez, PK3 Teacher
Lolo James, PK3 Aide

Pre-K 4 Program

Tiffany Dower, PK4 Teacher
Aileen Berthold, PK4 Aide
Randi Muscarella, PK4 Teacher
Jessica Silver, PK4 Aide
Tara Koch, PK4 Teacher
Kim Adams, PK4 Aide

Inquire Today (PK-12th Grade)

Helpful Parenting Tips

Current Primary Programs

1 year olds

2 year olds

3 year olds

4 year olds

Hours of Operation

6:45 am - 5:30 pm



and additional supplementary curriculum based on student's age and needs.

Exciting News!